Psych-K Subconscious Reprogramming
What is Psych-K?
In the words of Rob Williams, Originator of Psych-K:
“Psych-K is is a set of principles and processes designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of your full potential as a spiritual being having a human experience.”
In the wider context of the emerging healing modalities, PSYCH-K® is one of the many fabulous energy psychology modalities like EMDR or Tapping which are gaining increasing popularity around the globe.
While there is a considerable amount of research on EMDR and Tapping, most energy psychology modalities don’t have that much research backing them up in scientific data, just yet. At the moment, there are three research papers that were published in peer-reviewed publications on Psych-K, showing actual changes in bilateral, symmetrical brain wave pattern created as a result of PSYCH-K® processes before and after sessions.
I know PSYCH-K® works because of my personal experience of it and because of the experiences of my clients have been demonstrating since I’ve started my practice.
The originator, Rob Williams, talks about PSYCH-K® as not just a belief change process but also a technology that is here to help humanity’s awakening at large.
How is it done?
First we establish communication with your body via muscle testing to establish a felt sense of yes or no in your body. It turns out when we say things that resonate with our subconscious we have more nervous system integrity that translates into stronger muscle tone then when we say things that don’t resonate with our subconscious.
After this step, we can now check if a statement, any statement that is relevant to what you want to be working on, is true for your subconscious or not. For example, a statement like “I love myself unconditionally” is in fact true for you, then you muscle test strong for it. If it isn’t then you muscle test weak for it. We get happy to find a beneficial statement that doesn’t resonate with your subconscious because we can now reprogram for it!! We call these reprogrammings PSYCH-K Balances.
The way we do a PSYCH-K® Balance is also through the body. We usually use some cross lateral body posture to facilitate a whole brain state which allows for theta brain wave state. This is the the dominant brain wave state we are in up to age 7 that enable the early childhood imprintings and programmings.
Even-though it would be accurate to say thatPSYCH-K®integrates other processes like NLP, Brain Gym, Positive Psychology, Somatic Psychology, Kinesiology; it cannot be reduced to the sum of these. PSYCH-K® seems to have an intelligence field of it’s own that when called upon acts to help heal whatever it is being used for.
Why does it work?
Similar to the way we don’t really understand how acupuncture really works, we do not yet understand understand how these energy psychology modalities work either.
My best guess is because it works at the causal (more on that later) source level and it also works because it bypasses any resistance that might show up at the conscious mind level. Most therapy modalities dwell in the conscious mind, like talk therapy and even hypnotherapy to some extend.
Orienting the conscious mind towards a positive new life goal allows for us to work on the plane of positive psychology. Focusing your attention on what you want as your new experience is like being in a new country where you can be a whole new person because no one knows you. The other side of that experience would be doing inner work to change while going back to your family every day where you are inevitably fall back to your old patterns because they are so established in that setting.
What we do is, in stead of spending energy trying to change the old, we are channeling all our energy and focus towards creating the new… so the old becomes obsolete.
What is it good for?
Psych-K is an extremely effective way to shift insisting life long patterns that limit you in your life; ranging from phobias to self-esteem issues to relationship with money to allergies - basically anything you are struggling with, Psych-K can help.
The premiss is that everything we experience, including poor health, is a manifestation of our beliefs. If we can change the belief we hold about something, we can change how our life manifests around it.
“The secret of life is Belief, rather then genes it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSCH-K is a set of simple, self-empowering processes to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level.”
-Bruce Lipton, PhD, Cell Biologist - Author of Biology of Belief
There are Numerous PSYCH-K® Processes to fit every need. Here are a few:
Reprogramming for New Beliefs
is an extremely effective way to shift insisting life long thought patterns that limit you in your life; ranging from phobias to self-esteem issues to relationship with money to allergies. There really is no limit in how flexible and creative we can get to design new statements exactly to fit your needs.
Reprogramming for Harmonious Relationships
Relationships are the cornerstones of our make up. It is in relationship that we heal or we remain stuck. Our first experiences in life with our primary care givers determine our attachment patterns (which is our style of relating with the world). You can expect that working at the relational level with PSYCH-K, can shift how you relate with many other areas of your life.
Reprogramming for Better Health
“We are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates, able to create lives overflowing with peace, happiness, and love.” -Bruce Lipton. At the base of most, if not every physical ailment, we can find a subconscious belief. It is possible to shift existing conditions and/or cue your genes to express in the direction you consciously choose and enjoy your best health yet available to you.
Release Early Trauma
Unlike most modalities that require you to recall and dwell in the traumatic memory, PSYCH-K has a very gentle, non-intrusive yet effective way to help us integrate the earlier hurts that might be preventing us from living our fuller, empowered, adult selves. This way of working with earlier hurts takes away the possibility of retraumatizing the person doing the inner work, due to lack of skill or ability to hold space on the therapist’s side.
Release Grief and Loss
Unprocessed grief or loss can cause looping thought-patterns that we cannot get out of which in turn robs us from our ability to be in the present and move forward in our lives. PSYCH-K has specific Grief and Loss processes that will help you process past, present or future perceptions of loss and allow you to live in the present again.